Sell-Side Support Services


When cor­po­rate strat­egy requires carve-outs or divest­ments, Vec­torSpan offers full sup­port in ensur­ing a suc­cess­ful sale.  By exam­in­ing the goals of stake­hold­ers and man­age­ment, pre­sent­ing your busi­ness or tech­nol­ogy in a man­ner that max­i­mizes its value, and nego­ti­at­ing and clos­ing the trans­ac­tion at the best pos­si­ble terms, Vec­torSpan works with you dur­ing every phase, men­tor­ing and help­ing you meet goals with min­i­mal dis­rup­tion to oper­a­tions.  Post-closing sup­port and ongo­ing gov­er­nance ser­vices are also offered.

VectorSpan’s sell-side sup­port ser­vices are out­lined below:
