
Our approach and expe­ri­ence is aimed at cre­at­ing max­i­mum value for our clients. Whether a sale or a pur­chase, an invest­ment or a divest­ment, a joint ven­ture or a roll up, we assist in all parts of the deal life cycle. We rec­og­nize that while these ini­tia­tives can be trans­for­ma­tional, the process can be com­plex and stress­ful for deci­sion mak­ers, their teams, and stake­hold­ers. Vec­torSpan works as your part­ner in under­stand­ing your busi­ness needs, devis­ing a work plan, and exe­cut­ing the deal. VectorSpan’s key strengths are:

  • Com­plete Part­ner — we par­tic­i­pate actively in all phases of the deal cycle–planning, exe­cu­tion, post-deal sup­port and governance.
  • Global Per­spec­tive — our expe­ri­ence with cross bor­der oper­a­tions, deals, and inte­gra­tion enable us to antic­i­pate cross mar­ket issues and deal with them pre­emp­tively. We have exten­sive cross-border deal expe­ri­ence in Asia, Europe and the US.
  • Method­ol­ogy and Process Dri­ven — we use method­olo­gies and tools that have been refined over the years to ensure con­sis­tency and com­plete­ness. Our nego­ti­a­tion mod­els pro­vide the extra edge.
  • Strong Oper­a­tional Expe­ri­ence in line and staff roles — we under­stand the mar­kets we work in and have the oper­a­tional knowl­edge and know-how to address the chal­lenges you face.
  • Senior Level Atten­tion — our deals are actively run by senior professionals.
  • Expe­ri­ence in Train­ing — we select the right train­ing inputs for exec­u­tive and man­age­ment teams to ensure that you are well prepared.
  • Team work — we work with a net­work of global legal, account­ing and other spe­cialty part­ners and ensure seam­less team work.