

C.N. (Madhu) Mad­husu­dan is an exec­u­tive, entre­pre­neur and deal maker with sig­nif­i­cant expe­ri­ence in set­ting up, acquir­ing and oper­at­ing busi­nesses in Europe, India and the United States.  His exper­tise areas include growth/exit strat­egy, M&A, and cross-border transactions.

An early mem­ber of the team that built the NIIT Group in India, he estab­lished the group’s pres­ence in the United States.  This US entity became the NIIT Group’s largest sub­sidiary and was nom­i­nated twice for the Atlanta Inter­na­tional Busi­ness Award.   Later, as Pres­i­dent of NIIT Ven­tures, he led sev­eral new ven­ture invest­ment ini­tia­tives and cross bor­der acqui­si­tions involv­ing the US, Europe and India.  As a cor­po­rate buyer, he eval­u­ated a large num­ber of founder led com­pa­nies and devel­oped a deep insight into entre­pre­neur­ial think­ing, exit strate­gies, deal struc­tures, post-merger inte­gra­tion and gov­er­nance challenges.

He is the founder and CEO of Vec­torSpan Inc., an enter­prise that enables com­pa­nies plan their growth/exit strat­egy, engi­neer inor­ganic growth and make cross-border trans­ac­tions and inte­gra­tion suc­cess­ful. He has con­sulted, trained and men­tored lead­er­ship teams of a num­ber of diverse com­pa­nies and has led acqui­si­tions of a num­ber of founder led com­pa­nies.  He has sig­nif­i­cant trans­ac­tion expe­ri­ence with pri­vate equity groups like Advent Inter­na­tional, Bain Cap­i­tal, Berk­shire Part­ners, Fur­man Selz, GE Equity and global cor­po­rate acquir­ers like ADP, EBSCO, Eisen­mann and Sodexo.

His board level expe­ri­ence spans com­pa­nies in the United States, Europe and Asia.  As a speaker, he has addressed audi­ences at the World Bank, IFC, IMF, Insti­tute for Inter­na­tional Research, Geor­gia Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy, Emory Uni­ver­sity, Colum­bia Busi­ness School, Ross School of Busi­ness, IIT Mum­bai, SIBF, TiE and UNESCO. He serves as the Chair­man of the Board of TiE – Atlanta, a not for profit group aimed at fos­ter­ing entre­pre­neur­ship. He stud­ied at the St. Joseph’s Col­lege, Ban­ga­lore, and the Indian Insti­tute of Man­age­ment, Ahmed­abad.  His pro­fes­sional edu­ca­tion includes Busi­ness Eval­u­a­tion at the Har­vard Busi­ness School.