Acquisition of MacLellan Integrated Services


Sodexo, a world leader in Qual­ity of Life Ser­vices, acquires MacLel­lan Inte­grated Ser­vices India Pvt. Ltd. in India.

MacLel­lan India is a leader in tech­ni­cal facil­i­ties man­age­ment, includ­ing HVAC, elec­tri­cal, mechan­i­cal, energy man­age­ment and build­ing man­age­ment ser­vices. With a nation­wide pres­ence and a par­tic­u­larly strong foot­print in South­ern India, its client base includes lead­ing phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, IT and engi­neer­ing com­pa­nies, as well as indus­trial parks and office complexes.

Sodexo is the global leader in ser­vices that improve Qual­ity of Life, an essen­tial fac­tor in indi­vid­ual and orga­ni­za­tional per­for­mance. Oper­at­ing in 80 coun­tries, with around 420,000 employ­ees, Sodexo serves 75 mil­lion con­sumers each day through its unique com­bi­na­tion of On-site Ser­vices, Ben­e­fits and Rewards Ser­vices and Per­sonal and Home Ser­vices. Through its more than 100 ser­vices, Sodexo pro­vides clients an inte­grated offer­ing devel­oped over decades of experience.

The acqui­si­tion sup­ports Sodexo’s inter­na­tional lead­er­ship in Qual­ity of Life Ser­vices and strength­ens the Group’s tech­ni­cal exper­tise in the dynamic Indian growth econ­omy. It gives MacLel­lan India’s cus­tomers access to a wider range of ser­vices as well as the inter­na­tional resources of the Sodexo Group.

Vec­torSpan was the advi­sor to the own­ers of MacLel­lan India.  The trans­ac­tion involved US, France, Sin­ga­pore, Mau­ri­tius and India jurisdictions.